Accepting payments on the website is the first and most important step to success of your company
Accepting payments on the website is the first and most important step to success of your company

About the service
WELLCOINPAY provides a convenient platform for processing online payments, contributing to the successful development of your company on the Internet. Our aggregator payment system allows you to track your business transactions in one place, accepting payments around the world using a large number of payment methods. Our main activity is the organization of receiving online payments through various payment systems. By working with us, you can expand your range of potential customers, making the payment process more convenient for them. All this together significantly increases the sales and profitability of the business. Our company also provides services for acquiring and verifying customers.

With WELLCOINPAY available to you:
- Website, SMB Merchant Account
- Progressive Internet Acquiring
- Easy payment processing
- Ability to accept single click payments, recurring payments, Moto payments, and payment link and invoice
- Remote Test Client
Why is WELLCOINPAY the best choice?
Merchant account
Our service allows you to receive all types of electronic payments on the site. You can receive all types of online payments. This will improve business efficiency and meet the needs of your customers. WELLCOINPAY is the optimal solution for small and medium businesses.
Internet acquiring
Modern technical solutions and unique technologies allow us to offer the optimal set of services for online businesses allowing flexibility in payment processes. Our clients receive a responsive module that is individually customized to suit their needs.
Payment processing
Our service offers financial institutions and banks working with Mastercard and Visa, secure handling of payment cards and payments. With our help, you will be able to expand its business and offer its customers new profitable financial products to minimize their own costs.
Payment in bitcoin
The cryptocurrency has long ceased to be exotic. To keep up with the times, it is necessary to provide customers with the opportunity to make payments in cryptocurrency. Our service will help you with this.

Best rate
Low tariff rates and no hidden commissions and additional payments. Reduce the cost of receiving and processing payments.

Personal settings
Flexible system of settings allows you to optimize the service WELLCOINPAY the needs of your website. Simple integration of the service with your web site. Availability of competent support.

Accepting payments from mobile devices
Now most of the purchases and orders are done through mobile phones, so it is essential that the client could comfortably pay from your smartphone. WELLCOINPAY displays correctly on all mobile devices.

Modern technology and impressive functionality
We offer maximum functionality to accept e-money, mobile payments, banking and remittances.