Merchant Request
1. All links from the site must be valid, i.e. active, working.
2. The site should have the current logos of the Ministry of Railways, as required.
3. The site should not be located on free hosting, such as, etc.
4. The site should contain relevant information about the company and the services it provides.
5. The lists of goods / services sold in the Seller’s questionnaire and those listed on the site must be identical.
6. All goods / services sold should have the most complete description of consumer characteristics. An incomplete description of consumer characteristics should not be a reason for a refund. Mandatory in the characteristics of goods / services must be indicated current prices.
7. The site should thoroughly describe the procedure for ordering goods / services and their payment by bank cards.
8. The site should have comprehensive information on the delivery of goods / receipt of services – terms, methods and other information that is necessary so that the consumer clearly understands how he can receive the goods or service after payment by credit card.
9. The site should have full information on the procedure for the return of funds (chargeback), the provision of a replacement product, exchange of goods, etc. upon refusal of goods / services. If such procedures are not provided, then on the site this should be clearly indicated.
10. The site should have the documentation Terms od Use, Privacy Policy, a warning about the risk of loss of financial resources (for CFDs, forex and similar types of businesses) and the occurrence of gambling addiction (for gambling, betting, etc.).